4 Day School Schedule Comes to Lincoln

 In a groundbreaking move, the Lincoln School Board unanimously voted in favor of implementing a four-day school week starting this August. This decision marks an exciting shift in the education landscape of Washington County and is expected to yield a range of benefits for teachers, students, and the community at large.

 So, why did the school board opt for this change? Well, there are several compelling reasons behind it. Firstly, the four-day school week is anticipated to enhance teacher and student recruitment, making Lincoln an appealing choice for educators seeking a better work-life balance. By enjoying a three-day weekend, teachers can efficiently manage personal errands, schedule doctor appointments, and spend quality time with their families or even explore new travel opportunities.


 Likewise, students stand to gain from this new schedule as well. With an extra day off, they can catch up on rest, participate in extracurricular activities, and engage in community initiatives. The increased flexibility is expected to boost attendance rates and overall motivation among students, creating a positive impact on their learning experience.

 Superintendent Dr. Mary Ann Spears, an avid supporter of the change, firmly believes that adopting the four-day school week will be a win-win situation for Lincoln Schools. This progressive step not only addresses the needs of their educational community but also places the district at the forefront of innovative educational practices in the county.

 Of course, every change brings its share of pros and cons, and the shift to a four-day school week is no exception. Some may have concerns about the potential impact on the curriculum or adjustments to the new schedule. However, the residents of Lincoln are known for their adaptability and resilience, and they are eager to embrace this futuristic leap in education.

 As the first school district in Washington County to embark on this path, Lincoln sets a trailblazing example for other educational institutions. By thoughtfully considering the needs of both educators and students, the district stands firm in its commitment to provide a nurturing environment for learning and growth.

**5 News Online

**Enterprise Leader


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